In 54% of cases "comment on" is used
It makes no comment on whether.
In order to comment on SunJournal.
Lets comment on the fake stuff to.
Secondly, I don't think it's very fair to attack someone who has commented on this.
How do I get people to comment on, and follow, my blog posts? So, first things first.
I won't comment on the religious aspect of the story (most of which I disagree with).
I was convinced that before long, I would have tons of traffic, and hundreds of people commenting on every post.
Given the amount of time, passion and dedication they put into reading and commenting on threads about the club.
As for 3D I can't comment on that, since I don't have 3D capability and have little interest or experience with it.
I know English is not your first language, but as rule try and comment on something that someone has actually said.
In 31% of cases "comment from" is used
comment from http: **35;7434;TOOLONG.
comment from fubar Time: September 15, 2012, 3:54 pm Jim Good article.
Like this (I've combined the front page and inserted a rec'd comment from a post in the bottom right corner - i.
In 5% of cases "comment by" is used
comment by admin 19/10/2012 at 4.
comment by: Sarah Darnell I get this mostly.
comment by Alan November 9, 2012 Agreed, Alan.
comment by: Andrea * Dear Andrea: It certainly is not too much to expect good manners.
comment by: cd312 * To? cd312?: Thank you for taking the time to ask a very good question.
comment by: Rebecca Wolfenden, Parental Support Line Advisor i have a daughter 10 yrs old.
comment by: Rebecca Wolfenden, Parental Support Advisor my 13 year old daughter always think she is better than me.
comment by manda On Saturday August 25th ' 12, 10:31 am I am in Mongolia and i have problem making purchase in US site.
comment by: Carole Banks, Parental Support Line Advisor Thank you for mentioning the problem with giving second chances for everything.
comment by: everton2455 * To? everton2455?: James Lehman felt that kids act out because they don? t lack effective problem solving skills.
In 3% of cases "comment about" is used
Commenting about the study, Mr.
Obama commented about her relationship with the U.
If someone observed and commented about this fact, does that make.
They confirmed Samuel T's comment about the Jewish people praying before execution.
The gang just commented about how arrogant and unfriendly she was and never around.
At that point, there was a note about collaboration and I wanted to comment about that.
I can't comment about the attendance at morning prayer as I am at work, but evening prayer varies between 1 and 8.
Enrich operations manager Aaron Marshall said he could not comment about any consulting work his company has done.
Since then, people started to comment about my appearance, not saying that I look handsome but I became handsome, hahaha.
Seriously, if u dislike the show and still can't stop watching it or commenting about it, at least make valid arguments.
In 2% of cases "comment in" is used
Your are the biggest ignoramus commenting in MT.
I'd not a legal expert so can't comment in that respect.
I often read your blog but haven't commented in a while.
I see a lot of die hard secessionists commenting in favor of a (MYTH) country they call Somaliland.
This allows people to read them and comment in ways that invite others, including the writer, to reply.
CSScomb handles the following beautifully: CSScomb does not delete properties that are commented in your code.
Recommend It's sad to see the people comment in such a negative way like this country stopped their bread and eggs.
Do you think they are wearing their bias on their sleeve? Is it even worth trying to comment in a manner that would get.
What throw away comment in the article? I mentioned that no one says he's a bad actor even though he is bad in Twilight as well.
That isn't the fault of one PR guy in making a fair comment in an interview directed at people who are already gaming enthusiasts.
In 1% of cases "comment at" is used
Don't forget to comment at last.
As I commented at the time, it is hilarious.
I had to learn to listen to all his ideas and comment at the end.
In 1% of cases "comment to" is used
If you comment to a post in a foreign language then it shows random characters.
Whatever motive Davies had for including that comment to me that witness sounds unreliable.
I will repost here what I comment to Wayward Bill on his FB page in reponse to an angry post about this blog.
When I commented to a group of final-year undergraduates that my main role at the university is to produce research, they were shocked.
What's that about? Did you comment to the wrong article? I think this article is jumping the gun -- the research in question has not matured to the point that it seems to be suggesting.
In 1% of cases "comment upon" is used
I'd American and I did want to comment upon something the author included.
Its splendour was in such contrast to his homely ways and simple life that I could not help commenting upon it.
Catherine Mayo, in Mother India, had commented upon the callousness of Indians, towards the plight of women when many worshipped the mother Goddess.
Northfield was a little pinched-up village where everybody knew more about you than you did about yourself, and you couldn't turn around without being commented upon.
Many important voices have pointed out features of the fragment that are unusual (the script in particular and the cutting are features that I have seen a few scholars commenting upon).
In a democratic society, one who assumes to act for the citizens in an executive, legislative, or judicial capacity must expect that his official acts will be commented upon and criticized.
I used my grandmother as an example of a digital refusnik because both my grandfathers died before I was five, and she's the only person of that generation that I know well enough to comment upon.