Prepositions after "intersperse"

intersperse with, between, by, throughout or across?

In 80% of cases "intersperse with" is used

Sex scenes come interspersed with short, tight dialogue.

It is interspersed with ungainly grunts and abject squeals of pain.

There will be difficult moments interspersed with enlightened moments.

This is of course interspersed with your hatred of posters here, who you disagree with.

This one is a good introduction to the issues through personal experiences, interspersed with history.

The film is interspersed with interviews with former members of Weatherman and the Weather Underground.

However, shoes interspersed with images of places those shoes could take you is rather in the right direction.

The book is broken into four sections and is interspersed with interesting Igbo anecdotes that is vintage Achebe.

A Noisy Meeting Friday's consultation was a noisy one, interspersed with chants from the audience and some heckling.

We see this where work periods of high intensity exercise are interspersed with periods of lower intensity exercise.

In 7% of cases "intersperse between" is used

Our beds were also spread throughout the carriage with others interspersed between us, so if we wanted to congregate we needed a different space.

In 4% of cases "intersperse by" is used

A1, Spontaneous activity in both neurons is characterized by correlated periods of depolarization that are interspersed by periods with very low visible activity (40 DIV).

Robot music was once supposed to sound clean and precise like Kraftwerk, but Willett's robots are punkish and temperamental, hacking out epileptic staccato rhythms interspersed by waves of feedback.

In 3% of cases "intersperse throughout" is used

Such information begins the workshop, but is also interspersed throughout the games and exercises.

By getting unique layers interspersed throughout the complete stack you can best inspire proper decay and progression of unique fertilizer.