We still had to queue for about 30 mins.
People are even queueing for free food in Spain, now.
We queued for an hour with about 100 or so other people.
Everyone that stayed the course got what they queued for.
Dishonoured looked interesting, but not so interesting to queue for.
People of God don't queue for favour from men and women of the world.
There was a massive queue for the bus but this was for the blue route.
Given that I was on leave, I volunteered to head over early to queue for a table.
Then getting to work with Mary Love whose recordings I had queued for was just brilliant.
Twitter would never ask you to spend Saturday wiping a child's bum, then queueing for the municipal tip.
Unfortunately, there may be thousands of bytes of data already queued in the connection between the remote process and the local terminal.
The real problem is people who only check their email every few weeks, have ten different email addresses, or have thousands of messages queued in their in-box for storage.
Fans queued from early in the morning.