In 47% of cases "in extent" is used
Polar ice is decreasing in extent and mass.
And he who asserts that we say that it is greater in extent than.
And it is that which is in the hands of the people, and is not greater in extent than that.
It touched Mr Townrow's mill yard just after its commencement, but the area it takes from it is only about 100 square yards in extent.
Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and intensity -- Australians should know that better than many! Polar ice is decreasing in extent and mass.
For instance it is possible for there to be a record low in extent without there being a record low in area -- as that is dependent on how spread out the ice floes are.
A quick rebound (refreeze) in extent would not surprise me one bit in the Chukchi Sea and East Siberian Sea with the ice (albeit low concentrations) still floating around.
Come September it should be intersting to see how well this slow recovery has progressed, keeping in mind that between now and then there are sure to be fluctuations in extent that prove nothing.
In 24% of cases "to extent" is used
We have to involve our root, identify and develop to extent where it can be contributively for the development of world theatre.
Hence, if you accept that argument you must also accept Ireland is in deep financial trouble to extent of being bailed out by the ECB and IMF.
No change takes place in the Logos, but He deliberately limits Himself to extent which He takes our nature upon Himself, whilst yet upholding the universe.
The tikytaky style is actually being used in a very negative sense they are quite happy to keep the ball in the middle of the park to extent they almost don't want to attack the opposition.
In 11% of cases "of extent" is used
The Sea Ice Index gives a daily image of extent as well as monthly products.
Build your social media communities across all platforms The level of extent your content gets shared, depends on your social media community and your community's community.
But the Hellenic truth is distinct from that held by us (although it has got the same name ), both in respect of extent of knowledge, certainly of demonstration, divine power, and the like.
In 8% of cases "on extent" is used
Masonry work is to be undertaken to fill up all cracks and repair broken plaster Please ensure proper curing time (7 to 21 days depending on extent of plastering).
Design: Data on extent of advertising, as measured by weekly television target audience rating points (TARPs ), is compared with weekly call volume and disposition.
In 3% of cases "at extent" is used
A broken golf buggy, presumably used to get around below ground hints at extent of the corridors.