Prepositions used with "tongue"

"in tongue" or "of tongue"?

In 48% of cases "in tongue" is used

Cardale also began to speak in tongues and to prophesy.

REPLY: Ah, a smartass who speaks in tongues, noted for future bit bucketing.

Chortles, whistles, grunts, whines, moans, screeches, incoherent speaking in tongues.

Cardale's sister Emily also began to speak in tongues and prophesy, and others followed them.

So it is wrong to regard the Holy Spirit as just speaking in tongues, or shaking or twisting.

The Holy Spirit you receive should not be just to speak in tongues or to pray when you are scared at night.

Speaking in tongues is the common sign given in the Bible by which persons were identified as having received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Out of my bell flows rivers of living waters I speak in tongues more And i am like an edife I am charged up always I am full of life and I exude life.

Tom says: 05:49pm 09/07/12 Lou B, if you put speaking in tongues in Brisbane on par with shooting a woman in cold blood for adultery, you are the one that is weak-minded.

In 27% of cases "of tongue" is used

LINGUISTS are masters of tongues.

The Presidency beckons but it is not for just anybody who is glib of tongue.

The Gift of tongues mentioned by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14: 1-40 is given for self-edification and the edification of the church.

Not all believers exercise the gift of tongues, which is different in function from the tongues given by God as the initial sign of the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

In 12% of cases "by tongue" is used

They believe that all humans are one and they are separated only by tongues.

This makes one hundred extollments by tongue and and one thousand good deeds in the scale.

This makes one hundred and fifty (daily extollments) by tongue, and one thousand five hundred (good deeds) in the scale.

Lawrence Edmonds has staked his claim as Britains first every cathedral licker by tongue tickling an incredible 42 in less than two years.

I entered and walked until I came to a building of crystal stones and surrounded by tongues of fire, and it began to strike terror into me.

In 6% of cases "with tongue" is used

I say this with tongue in cheek.

In one of the first experiments author asks reader to touch battery leads with tongue -- what a fun way to begin learning electronics.

In 4% of cases "for tongue" is used

As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

I think that for tongue, this was definitely high quality, enough for it to be presented in such a ' naked ' way.